Neue Horizonte: Eternity für alle!
andcompany&Co. feat. Arbeiter*innentheater
Schwedt, “the city of the future”, the Silicon Valley of East Germany: in 1968, the workers of the petrochemical combine attempted revolution – the WTR (scientific-technical revolution). Here, computers were connected to each other for the first time. Computers were intended to manage the production in real time. “Comrades – let’s optimise ourselves!” was the motto. The market, however, soon took over control. Everyone continues to only optimise themselves.
Together with former members of the worker’s theatre from Schwedt, andcompany&Co. dedicate themselves to the effects of the digital revolution: the play “Horizonte” (Horizons) by Gerhard Winterlich and its adaptation by Heiner Müller had already concerned itself with “the introduction of electronic data processing in human relationships” (Heiner Müller) back in 1968/69. Fifty years later, the “marriage of man and machine” (Heiner Müller) no longer seems like science fiction; instead, it seems like a real option. And with it, both the extermination as well as the immortality of the species.
Concept & direction: andcompany&Co. (Alexander Karschnia, Nicola Nord, Sascha Sulimma) / Text: Alexander Karschnia, Luise Meier, Nicola Nord &Co. / Dramaturgy: Alexander Karschnia &Co. / Music: Sascha Sulimma mit Jan Brauer, Matthias Engler &Co. / Choreographic consulting: Jasmin İhraç / By & with: Hartmut Bartsch, Hildegard Bartsch, Jochen Bismark, Henry Bitter, Katharina Günther, Luise Meier, Brigitte Paulick, Peter Schauer, Edgar Walter, Regina Walter, Senior*innenchor PCK Schwedt / Stage: Lena Newton with Caroline Wächter / Costume: Franziska Sauer, Caroline Wächter / Lighting design: Rainer Casper / Video: Kathrin Krottenthaler and Fruzsina Jesse / Dramaturgy assistant: Verena Katz / Scientific consulting: Eva Renvert / Assistant director: Kasia Noga / Internship prop: Hanne Jannasch / Technical management: Marc Zeuske / Company management: Caroline Farke / Administration & communication: Rahel Häseler
Photos: Doro Tuch
Production: andcompany&Co. Co-production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt am Main, HELLERAU Europäisches Zentrum der Künste, FFT Düsseldorf und Uckermärkische Bühnen Schwedt.
Supported by: Capital Cultural Fonds and Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.
Premiere: October, 16, 2020. HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin